Wednesday, June 10, 2009

There is nothing wrong with a little obsession!

So yes the calorie counting has become obsessive and the meal portions have definitely been cut and are containing healthier choices and thus far I am still highly motivated. I think the calorie counting, although it has become an obsession, is a really good thing for me right now. I never realized how many calories foods contained. The first day I wore GWF I was meeting my family at Cracker Barrel for breakfast and even though I knew I was going to log my calories, I ate what I usually ate which was momma's pancake breakfast complete with 3 pecan pancakes (I only ate 1.5), 2 scrambled eggs with cheese, turkey sausage and an added side of hashbrown casserole (because I love it). I also had a large glass of cranberry juice. I came home and uploaded my arm band and then proceeded to figure out how many calories I ate....this is where it got ugly. At that point I had burned approximately 1000 calories and after I finished googling how many calories were in the cracker barrel foods I ate right down to the ketchup for the sausage, syrup for the pancakes and cranberry juice in the glass the total calories for just that breakfast meal was 1470 which I was shocked to see. That is how it all started to come together in my head regarding calories in vs. calories out. I was already eating more than I was burning and it was only 11 AM. Then because it was such a bad ("carby, fatty and greasy") meal I came home and napped with my GWF on and so later that day I saw the flat line on the graph and that I had only burned a few calories. I could also see where I would have calorie burning spikes on my graph and all it took to get those spikes was to walk around the house a little bit. Then it was becoming clearer to me that simply moving burned more calories (which we all know but to visually see your day on a graph has been really effective for me). To date I have drank nothing but water since that Sunday because I don't want to "waste" calories. I hate the thought of adding an additional 100-200 calories because I wanted to drink some flavored beverage. I won't do diet drinks or crystal lite because I don't do artificial sweeteners so I am left with water and sometimes I will squeeze a little lemon or lime into it. I also want to make sure I am putting nutritious foods in my body since I am restricting calories, I don't want to become deficient in vitamins and minerals so I am making sure my calorie choices "count" for my body. Last night my husband and I went out for some Japanese hibachi and I ate half my meal and boxed the rest up. I was fulfilled (not bloated like I usually am because I eat the whole thing) and I had the other half for lunch today. Cut the calories in half, spread it out over two days and proud of myself for doing it!

1 comment:

  1. Don't stop posting now. I just found your blog as I recently bought a GWF and am looking for all info I can on it.

    Please keep it up as I'd love to have someone to share info with.
