Sunday, June 7, 2009

GoWear Fit is Amazing!

I have been wearing the GWF for 7 days and it has caused some significant behavior change! WOOHOO! I have become extremely aware of the number of calories I consume and am making choices based on calories. I am also obsessed with getting my "calories burned" graph to spike which is making me workout. The only thing so far that has been inconsistent with it is yesterday I worked out on the Arc Trainer that we own and it showed my calories burned for 30 minutes on that as minimal which is really not the case as that machine kicks my butt and had me breathing heavy. So it didn't pick it up for some reason. Also the other day at the gym I was on the stepper and it didn't show that as vigorous on my activity log even though my heart rate was way up. However we bought the Wii Active Trainer and I did a 25 minute program on that at medium intensity (which was actually pretty hard but not as hard as the arc trainer or stepper) and it did show vigorous on that....go figure. Anyway I am a very happy customer with the GWF as right now it has been the only thing that has got me motivated.


  1. I too purchased the GoWear Fit about 8 days ago and like you I have become much more aware of how many calories I burn and as a result I have become much more concious as to what goes in my mouth! I must say this little handy gadget is both motivating and addicting!! I wish you much success on your weight loss goals!!

  2. Thanks! You too! I am still going strong!

  3. Way to go! I'm in the same boat as you. I'm a guy that weighs 330 lbs. I just ordered the GoWear Fit yesterday hoping that it's going to help. It's really encouraging seeing that you've enjoyed it and that it's helping you.

  4. Thanks wolf! I hope it motivates you like it as motivated me! So far for me the key has been a: using it and b: logging in my daily calories (it is a pain but with the internet you can get calories for EVERYTHING!). Good luck to you and keep me posted on how it works for you!
